Friday, 24 June 2011

10 Basic Things Any Blogger must know before start Blogging


1:Quality is more important than quantity

As you can guess by the name of this blog, I have always been a big fan of quantity when it comes to content creation. Over the years, however, my opinion has changed a bit.
I still believe that you need to update your blog regularly if you want it to be come popular, but quality should be your first priority. If you only have two hours to spend writing content every week, for example, I would recommend you to spend all the time writing a single, high quality post, instead of writing four small posts to be published on different days.

2: The domain name matters 

When I started blogging I didn’t pay much attention to the domains of my blogs. As a result I ended up with some long and boring domains (e.g.,, which was my first tech blog). This is a big mistake because the domain is one of the few factors you won’t be able to change.

3:It is about the readers, and not about yourself

If you are blogging as a hobby, then writing about whatever you feel like is fine. If you are trying to build a popular blog and to eventually make money with it, however, you need to be more conscious about the type of content you’ll publish.
More specifically you need to understand that your content should be appealing and interesting to your readers above all, and not to yourself. It’s about them, and not about you.

4:Social media can be a waste of time, too

Social media certainly became a buzz word over the past years, and people seem to think that they need to have a presence and be active on every single social media site out there. I joined the bandwagon for a while, but then realized I was just wasting my time.

5:You need a community around your blog

Apart from writing quality content and promoting that content, there is one more activity that is very important for your blog, and that is community building. It’s important because without a community your blog will not be a blog, but rather a website with some articles.
Your community will enrich your content (through comments and email feedback), keep you motivated, help to promote your blog by spreading the word and so on.
Practically speaking this means that you should engage your readers with your content (e.g., by using polls, surveys, asking questions and so on), and that you should interact with them as often as possible (e.g., via comments, email, Twitter and so on).

6:Giving away free stuff works like a charm:

 Over the years I have tried many types of promotions, from interviews to viral videos and linkbaits. One technique always seemed to work, though, and it was giving away free stuff.


7:Selling ads is not the best business model

When people start blogging they believe that the best, if not the only way to make money with it is by selling ads. This is not true.
Selling ads might be the easiest way to make money with a blog, but it’s definitely not the most profitable one.
On most niches selling your own product will be the most profitable model you can have, followed by selling other people’s products (i.e., affiliate marketing), so make sure to consider these at least.

8:It takes persistence

Everything happens really fast on the Internet, and when you start building your first websites you figure that they will sky rocket (both in terms of traffic and revenues) within a couple of months.
The reality is quite the opposite. While it’s possible, very few websites become popular or profitable before one or two years. If you want to play the game, therefore, come with the right expectations, else you’ll get frustrated and quit too soon.

9: Choosing the right niche is important

Choosing the right niche is critical if you want your blog to become popular and profitable. Sure, you should follow your passion (as you probably heard around…), but you should also make sure your niche is big enough to generate the kind of revenues you are aiming for.

10:Checking your stats daily is pointless

When you build your first website or blog you start checking your stats at least daily (some people go further and check them hourly….). Every new visitor is a joy, and a sign that you are doing something right

Sunday, 19 June 2011

5 easy step to become internet millionaire


You might heard of the story of Kevin Rose. He is’s founder.Kevin Rose created a thing that was totally new and unseen. You can imagine that if he would have made a search engine or something that existed before, he would have been swept away by the competition. Instead he invented something new in the social media field.


If you want to do something just do it.Stop those silly brainstorming sessions, stop creating business plans. Instead start executing, implementing, doing!Ideas are cool and all, but action is what will get you your first million.


There are so many blogs created these days, so your competition grows every minute.You will “die” on planet Internet to become  internet millionaire if you don’t get visitors.So yeah, focus on getting a lot of traffic and half of the battle will be won.


If you know or even just predict what the average customer needs you get a straight head-start. Defining your niche’s habits gives you a brief idea of the route you are going to take to achieve financial freedom.

Money does not care who you are, how you were raised, what your favorite color is, if you got an A in your Maths class, if you got picked last on your soccer team, money does not care. All money cares about is: Numbers.
The numbers I am talking about are even more important than traffic. They are: sales, revenues, profits and customers.

Friday, 10 June 2011

Top 10 Google Adsense tips For Webmasters

 Every Person in the internet field whose has some relation with google adsense or who has website or webmaster wants to earn money through google adsense.Gooogle Adsense is not a quich rich scheme but its make people rich through there regular work and efforts.

Here`s the Top 20 Google Adsense Tips:

1:For Faster Approval  of Google Adsense Account Apply and Post Daily 2-3 Unique Post on Your Favourite Niche.Once you get your AdSense publisher code, you can put it any of your websites without requiring any further approval.

2:Never Ever Click on Your own ads,.or Ask people to click or using click bots...Google is very big network,it catch u from anywhere sooner or later and banned your account forever.Dont Cheat with Adsense

3:Put your targeted-keyword on Page Title of your Content,repeat your the Keywords in your Content.

4:Submit your website to all small and big directories for inclusion, e.g., yahoo directories and URL to search engines for crawlings.

5:Articles marketing is the best way to deliver traffic to any site. Write and submit articles to article-submission sites.

6:Its better to create One website that generate 100 $/day than Many websites with Low earning.

7:Alway emphasized on Qualty and Unique Content.

8:Always Place or Wrap the AdSense block around your content.

9:Break your long articles to few short articles; this way the users are exposed to the ads for more times.

10:Keep Experimenting with Your Ads colour ,position and Settings.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Why Google Adense Account is Banned?

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Google Adsense Account Basic Terms CPC CTR

Learn Google Adsense Basic Terms CPC(Cost Per Click) CTR (Click Trough Rate) and Impressions

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

How to increase google adsense earning

Simple Tips of Increasing Google Adsense Earning

How to Applied Google adsense ads on website

Simple Way of Implemented Google Adsense Ads on Your Website


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